Life/Nursing Philosophy

- Taking care of myself is the best thing that I can do to take care of others.

- Meet a person/patient where they are not where I would like them to be.

- Recognizing that "opposites" can be equally true, real, and important I am able to act mindfully rather than be trapped.

- An integrated life does not differentiate between work and play

- "We learn not from our experiences, but from our willingness to experience." (being truly open to new experiences is more valuable than using experiences to reinforce an existing worldview)

- All beings are interdependent.

I strive to maintain practices of...
- self-care (physical, mental, spiritual),
- personal/professional growth
- living an integrated life which does not differentiate between "work", "play" and other aspects of living.
- recognizing and honoring the Buddha nature (perfection) in every being,
- compassion for all beings,
- recognizing and experiencing the perfection of every moment,
- following the eightfold path

(as I think about these things they can all fit under self care in one way or another.  Very interesting!)