Thursday, September 22, 2011


I have been asked by a number of people in the past few months if I will continue to write on this blog.  The short answer is "Yes!"  Here is a longer answer:

A teacher of mine recently shared a story about a time when he was wearing the symbol of Om around his neck.  An Indian man came up to him and asked "Do you know what that means?"  (I take this to mean "is this another example of cultural appropriation?")  My teacher replied, "Yes, this is the symbol Om."  The man continued, "Do you know what it means?"  To which my teacher replied, " know, I always have a hard time putting it into words."  The man smiled and said, "Ahh, so you do know."

My experience over the last few months is hard to put into words.  I have no doubt that I will return to sharing my thoughts with anyone interested in this blog.  Thank you for your patience.